Thursday, January 31, 2013

Vision Cocktail Party

Late yesterday afternoon I wrapped up a 2-day workshop with three dozen of my coworkers.  One of our last group activities was a Vision Party.  The basic idea is to have a vision of your future and share it with everyone you talk to at the party.  The other person gives you their ideas on how to bring you closer to your vision.  I’m not normally a person who enjoys just standing or sitting around and chatting; I’m an activity partner.  However, I thought it was really fun! 
I get bored with conversations pretty quickly, preferring to just keep someone company with a friendly presence or a few laughs while they do most of the talking.  Discussing our passions is a completely different realm.  When someone opens up and reveals something they truly desire, they beam with excitement and hope.  I’ve decided that I want every lengthy conversation I participate in to contain some of this.
From now on, when I say I want to meet for Happy Hour it’s going to be a Vision Happy Hour.  It doesn’t happen very often, so the timing should be perfect.  What I’m especially looking forward to is cheering from the sidelines while my friends accomplish the things that make them happy and having them do the same for me.

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