Thursday, July 29, 2010

What the ... I've been up to

I have truly lost my MFing mind.

This morning, I woke up so sore that I could barely drag my ass out of bed. Today I did the bike commute, a lunchtime yoga class and jogged the lake when I got home. Now I am waiting to go out dancing. I can barely get my ass out of this chair without cussing. I just took an Aleve in hopes that it will help loosen up these joints so I can dance tonight. See! That’s just crazy.

I signed up for the Nike Women’s Marathon. I’ll be doing the half. My goal this time (this will be my fifth time participating in this particular event) is to run all of it or come as close as I possibly can with three months of training. I had my first outdoor run today, after a very long hiatus. In fact, I believe the last time I ran outside was when I did the Nike last year… if you can call that running.

My knee still makes that crunchy noise, but it’s not going to stop and I accept that. Now the other knee is starting to make the same noise as well. Eh fuck it. As far as I know, this is the only life I’ve got so I’m going to run. It feels empowering to just go outside and run. I want to do it. I am going to do it. I don’t care what the damn doctors and trainers say. I am going to figure out a way to run that doesn’t make my knees hurt. Today, I tried a light tiptoe style. That seemed to work for the joints, but it makes me tired very quickly. I will have to condition myself to run that way. My knee feel absolutely fine right now, especially considering how tired I am from pushing myself all week.

I’m eating meat again. I had three weeks of vegetarian, and now I’m over it. At first I felt like I was starving all the time (and then bloated when I ate until satisfied). After I got used to the idea of eating more frequently, I was happy for a time. I felt light on my feet. I was sleeping better than I had in years. Although my strength and stamina didn’t seem to be improving, my recovery time was really fast. I couldn’t do as intense a workout as I was doing, but I could work out more frequently. I started doing a one at the office and then turning around and getting two more in the evenings at 24 Hour. Then I started back on the bike commuting and it all came crashing down. Apparently bike commuting is very difficult for me with a meatless diet. I began to get irritable and listless.

The first time I had meat again, I overslept the next morning. I don’t mean by a few minutes either! Meat makes me feel sluggish. It’s much more difficult for the body to process than fruits and veggies, so that makes sense. I just have to make sure I allow my body extra time to rest when I have meat. Although I miss feeling light and quick, I LOVE feeling strong and tough. I am trying to find a happy medium. So far I have determined that there will be no meat with dinner. I don’t want my body digesting meat when it should be sleeping.

That’s all for the update. Still nothing on the dating front. Well, maybe nothing – too early to tell right now.

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