Thursday, September 2, 2010

the worlds keeps turning

Today was my second 6-mile morning run. It was very good. I improved my time by ten minutes, even including my stop at the grocery store for soymilk on the way back to my apartment. I was so shocked to read 7:11AM on the clock. I almost burst into song. I don’t think my neighbors would have appreciated it.

I made myself a recovery shake with some Clif Shot Vanilla Recovery powder, soymilk, ice cubes and a blender when I returned home. It was absolutely delicious! I also had that ‘this is exactly what my body wants right now’ feeling. There’s nothing quite like giving your body exactly what it needs. Although I have been running an average of an hour deficit in my sleep every night for the past week, I feel particularly strong today. It just occurred to me a little while ago that the recovery shake may have been the determining factor there. I’ve been told hundreds of times to consume protein within twenty minutes of a workout (up to an hour after the workout), especially one as taxing as this morning’s, but you know how it is – life gets in the way of us doing what we know is right. That doesn’t make it okay. I need to make sure that I take proper care of myself so I don’t get injured this time, like I did last year when I was training for the very same event. I think I hurt myself in 2006 while training for the Nike too. Annoying. It takes so stinkin’ long to recover from a knee or ankle injury that I don’t EVER want to go through that again. I’d gladly take an unscheduled rest day instead of hurting myself.

Speaking of unscheduled rest days, I had one yesterday. Stevil’s mom passed away on Sunday. Her body was discovered in her apartment on Monday, so Hula Girl and I went to go keep him company on Tuesday (after she got his text, which I hadn’t even realized existed until she was on her way to pick me up). He just needed some support. I am personally not very good at doing the whole emotional support thing. What I am good at is figuring out what needs to be done in stressful situations. Therefore, Tuesday was quite possibly the best day for me to be with him. Iris’ back window was busted out at the end of the night. I was lucky.

I had to bum a carpool ride to work the next morning since my bike was still at the office. When I got reayd to ride home yesterday, I discovered a tack in my front tire. I removed it, thinking that I could just replace the tube with the spare I keep in my bag. Well, I had emptied my bag in the Tuesday madness and forget to replace my bike supplies Wednesday morning. I had a nice unexpected walk to and from the train stations in the warm summer evening. I would have enjoyed it even more if it weren’t for me carrying the flat tire and a messenger bag full of groceries and then getting home a few minutes before 9PM. It’s difficult to rush yourself to sleep. I think I fell asleep around 11 – 11:30 and then was up before dawn at 5:30 AM for my morning run. I’m freakin’ exhausted.

One of the trainers fixed my flat after our company meeting this morning and another relocated my taillight so I can now store my toolkit under the seat. I said, “What would I do without all these helpful people?”

J-Racer commented, “It’s not you I would worry about.” We then went into a brief conversation about spoiled people. He said, “If you depend too much on other people to give you what you want, you’re setting yourself for the possibility of being disappointed.”

“You’re setting yourself up for inevitable disappointment.” I corrected him. It’s true. You are the only person you can truly count on, and we humans occasionally fail ourselves as well. It’s not a big deal. There’s no need to emotionally attach ourselves so strongly to any particular outcome. I’d rather spend my life enjoying it moment to moment than to be constantly pissed off about something that didn’t go my way or worried about what is going to happen in the future.

What I am emotionally attached to right at this moment is going home and getting in bed early, universe willing.

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