Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Feed the Hungry

I was hoping for some action in my love life before mom goes home to the Philippines to build her retirement home and I move back into the old house here.  When that happens, I probably won't have any energy for dating during the first month or so (maybe longer).  My bike commute mileage will more than double to 17 miles each way and I'll have a bunch of home improvement projects to complete before the place is presentable for entertaining.  

If anything exciting were to happen, I am not even certain who it would be with.  I'm not in the mood to play the game with anyone lately because of the training. I just added the 2nd lap to my 3x weekly morning runs, bringing it to just over 6 miles. Unfortunately it slowed my average speed down to 13 minutes per mile, but I'll get faster over the next few weeks. The post-run upset stomach has returned, but that should clear up soon too... I hope.

I'm now entering my eighth month of abstinence and I am truly OVER IT. My body is sending out all these signals, but I have no idea where to direct them. I'd like to suppress the desires and control the physical cues, which is normally relatively easy for me to do.  Lately, though, I feel like there's  a "Vacancy" sign on my forehead.  I've been receiving some brazen propositions.   Some of them from the past weekend's party were rather uncouth.  Upon waking the next morning, I recounted the previous evening's occurrences in my head and laughed out loud.  I am convinced that there must be something I am doing differently. I have yet to determine whether I can use this to my advantage or if I'm just a passenger on this ride.

The temporary suspension of partying looms closely before me. I won't be able to stay up late anymore after another week or so of this training. Even now my eyes are burning and eyelids heavy at just 10:30 PM. In the morning I must get out of the house before dawn to do my new longer run and still get to work at a reasonable hour. Oh yeah, and my bike tire had a flat so I left the frame at work. I've got to find some other non-car method of getting to the office tomorrow...

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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