Wednesday, October 6, 2010

wearing me down

Last Sunday I “ran” 11 miles from downtown Calistoga to the fire station bordering Calistoga and St. Helena and back. It felt really good. My knees have been a bit achy since then, and that experience hasn’t made my 3-mile morning runs any easier. Other than being able to say that I ran 11 miles, I don’t have much to show for it. I thought it would at the very least make me stronger in my morning runs. I don’t get it.

I’ve got ten more days til the Nike half. I am eager to get it behind me. I want to say I ran the whole thing and felt great afterwards. The goal is to do this without pain. I can struggle with my mind a bit, but I need to do this without injury or not at all.  So far so good.

I had a date last week. Yes, an actual date! Okay not a real date by Twin Peak’s standard, but I’m counting it. I have another one tomorrow – we’re bowling. At first I was really excited about it, but I’ve come to the realization that it’s not really that exciting. Normal people have lots of dates; I’m the only freak who hasn’t had any this year. Legs (f.k.a. OMB) asked me why not and I told him that, contrary to how much I flirt with men on a regular basis, I don’t really find many men attractive enough to pursue. Sure, there are some really hot guys out there and some who are even interested in me, but there has to be a spark. I don’t see a reason to date anyone without a t least a spark. I don’t date for practice. To me, that’s pointless. If you find someone you have good chemistry with, it’s okay to be a little awkward. I’d rather date a person who thinks I could be someone special as opposed to some guy just working the odds. I do realize that most men are the latter. It’s inevitable that I will have to run through a gauntlet of them before finding a match. The new guy, who hasn’t made enough of an impression to have a nickname yet, seems like a good match personality-wise. We like enough of the same things to have a good time out, but we have enough dissimilarity to run in different circles. I’m not looking for anything serious (although I would not completely opposed to the idea after an appropriate assessment period), but I would like some companionship… especially of the physical nature.

I’ve had a busy couple of weeks with one business or social commitment after the other. My fridge is full of leftovers that have been there so long that I won’t eat them. I haven’t eaten a meal at home in a week and a half. It’s getting on my damn nerves.

Well, I better go. Legs and I have a movie night on Wednesdays now. Come to think of it, we hang out a lot. I invited him to join me at the party on Friday too. Hmmm. Is he becoming a bestie?

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