Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Setting New Goals

This is a particularly challenging week. I'm adjusting my sleeping schedule again. I'm bored with going out. I think that is due mostly to my unwillingness to endure the hives and hangovers that accompany alcohol consumption. I haven't figured out how to have a good time with people who are drinking without also partaking. So far it just makes me want to be doing something else.

I agreed to be one of Eduardo's dancing girls in this year's SF Carnivale parade. It sounded fun. At the time I hadn't considered the costume, but it's all I've thought about since then.

I started using the whey protein shake mix I won from Six Star late last year to kick start my metabolism in the morning. I've changed my rest days into pilates, core and physical therapy. I'm having hot cereal with fruit and nuts for breakfast and vegetarian lunches. I haven't gotten the dinner situation together yet. Dinner is hard because it's a family time meal, and the fam doesn't eat healthy often unless I cook. Cooking would be nice, but not realistic with my schedule. I'm considering either smoothies or juicing. I want to get down within range of where I need to be in order to feel comfortable in the parade costume - 7 to 12 days of intense training and calorie counting away from show shape. I'm encouraged. I haven't received the green light to go back to running, but I can still dance! I felt lost without a fitness regimen, goal and timeline. I'm finally back and soooo happy about it.

These past several months have been humbling due to how little stamina I have in comparison to when I was running. Taking time off from visiting the gym now reduces me to couch potato status (or at least as close as I ever want to get). All things considered, I have accepted my current situation as reality. I am not a runner. It's difficult to say. No matter how much I want those endorphins and freedom from food concerns, I must be good to my body. My muscular imbalances need to be addressed NOW, before I end up with a debilitating injury. I am going to follow doctor's orders for a change.

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