Thursday, April 16, 2009

If I ruled the world, all the fatty foods would taste like dirt

I was just sitting here at my desk procrastinating going to the gym, so I figured why not write a blog? I get my measurements taken today. The last time I was measured, I’d just returned from Thailand. This should be interesting. I’ve been eating crap all week. Okay, maybe not for every meal but at least once a day I’ve had Ben & Jerry’s, a greasy burger or something else that doesn’t quite fit into the plan. I am not good at limiting my fat or calorie intake. I have so far been tracking every morsel that passes through my lips for about a week. It isn’t exactly encouraging. I exceed my calorie limit by at least 600 every day. I’ve tried offsetting the extra calories with a harder or longer workout, but that only makes me eat more. I am not one of those people who can sit around and listen to my stomach churn and rumble. In fact, I’m a bit of a glutton. Even when I’m not hungry, I like to taste things. I need to stop doing that. If I’m going to continue my constant sampling of every dish I come across, then I need to cut out regular meals altogether. All this working out is getting on my nerves!

I just want to relax. Is that so wrong?

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