Wednesday, March 10, 2010

time stands still

Still remembering parts of last weekend.  Damn alcohol.  Why is it that alcohol is legal when it kills so many brain cells?  How can pot be illegal while alcohol is legal?  That's so stupid.  An alcoholic can become a meth-head just as quickly as a pot smoker can.  An intoxicant is an intoxicant.
Anyway, I headed out on Friday night with PS, one of my party friends that I never actually do anything with except for the club runs.  I was convinced that I would stay home (or at least local) Friday and have a really exciting night on Saturday with the three parties I’d planned on attending.  However, PS called me and I gave in so easy.  We headed to Temple to hear David Harness spinning.  I danced my tail off.  We went on to the Endup afterwards, where I stood out on the patio talking to boys all night long.  There was this one SUPER-hot fireman who swore he was straight, but you never really can be sure these days.  I got my fill of looking at him and calling him a cutie.  I talked to his friend Sean (made-up name of course) during the lull between last call and the time when PS was ready to go home.  Sean is in love with a drag queen.  He wants to know if that makes him gay.  I’m sighing and shaking my head just thinking about that question.  My first thought, and I believe most straight people would say, “hell yeah!”  However, I could see that he was really upset about being labeled.  I told him, “You like what you like.  You don’t have to call it anything.”  He seemed comforted by that.  Oh good; I made a friend.  Did I mention that Sean is a financial advisor?  Yeah…
We gave this guy from LA a ride back across the bridge into Oakland, and he asked how PS and I became acquainted.  PS blurted out, “the music.”  There couldn’t have been a truer or more accurate answer.  The guy thought it was really profound.  His reaction made me think.  There are these songs that are not really considered club classics, but are obvious crowd favorites.  Most are just a basic electronically generated beat and some really annoying looped sound effect behind some guy talking.  “Not everyone understands house music…”   I’ve always thought of that as a rather dramatic view of any type of music produced by some guy sitting in front of a sound board in his living room.  I guess I take it for granted.  Living in the SF Bay Area (and through the magic of Facebook), I have access to decent house and a dance floor almost any night of the week.  I’m spoiled, and it wouldn’t be the first time.

I stayed home from work yesterday trying to finally kick the sniffle I’ve had since Squaw Valley (yes that mystery sniffle that is somehow alleviated by drinking lots of alcohol but strangely unaffected by cold medicine).  I figured it was just sleep deprivation, but I didn’t sleep any more than I normally would while I was home.  I did clean the house, unpack boxes and run all the errands I couldn’t do with my debilitating hangover on Saturday.  I also received a UPS delivery of a rug that I ordered online.  Since I have no concept of measurements in my head, I was quite surprised at just how large 8’ x 11’ really is when I came home to discover it sitting by my door.  The only thing I could think of was, ‘Wow that UPS guy must be pretty strong.’  I think I’ll send cookies to the drivers during the holidays.  They work hard.
After my “recovery day at home”, I now have thermal curtains (on rods I mounted yesterday), a new color scheme in the bathroom and bedroom, clean laundry and dishes, a Windows 7 upgrade and a slow cooker with enough food for a week’s worth of new recipes.  I watched a movie while folding laundry.  In between dryer loads, I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom.  Yes, I actually paused the movie to clean the kitchen and bathroom.  It’s official – I’m addicted to being busy.  I have no idea how some people do all of this shit in addition to taking care of children.  That seems impossible to me.

On a sort of unrelated note, Killa B finally got a new place.  I think he moves in mid-month.  I finally get to have all my closet space!  I can’t wait for the day when he calls and tells me that he’s ready to get his stuff.  I figure he’ll probably need some of the basics too.  Since I redid the bathroom, bedroom and kitchen recently, I have a bunch of odds and ends to spare.  I also spent an hour or so packing up stuff to give him.  I’m not using it anyway, so why not?

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