Sunday, March 28, 2010

Turning 30 Again

Thought I was going boarding for my birthday, but those plans fell through.  Somehow I still managed to scrape some entertainment together.

Last night, The People party at The New Parish was fun. The music at that party is always hit and miss, but it gets better every month. The patrons are good-looking. The men look as though they’ve put some thought into their clothing, but they also dance AND they’re not gay! I was talking to this woman out on the patio about that. We had a good laugh about the “and they’re not gay” comment. She said that she had seen her ex-boyfriend enter the club about twenty minutes prior and was nervous about how the night was going to end since she has a restraining order against him. I told her that she better be careful. A few minutes later, I ran into Killa B who was still looking hot as ever and now sporting a full lumberjack-style beard. I spent a relatively short time talking to him. I left him with Twin Peaks to go to the bathroom and when I returned he had moved on. I bumped into him once or twice more, but nothing exciting. ..Not that I was expecting anything. He gave me this weird look, but I don’t really know how to translate it because, well, it’s weird to run into your ex at a club. He could just have been feeling tense about it or something. It didn’t bother me to see him. I actually felt quite good about it.

Friday night was Triple Crown. David Harness didn’t go to Miami for the Winter Music Conference as he usually does, so I was lucky enough to have him spin for my birthday weekend – GO ME! Anyway, the usual suspects were there. He attracts the same people over and over again. I suppose I too am one of those people. That music was also hit and miss. That was a strange night for me because I barely drank at all. I’d planned on spending the night at a friend’s house in the city, but he was completely wrecked and couldn’t have given me directions to his house if his life depended on it, and my backup couch host was M.I.A. I didn’t want to get all messed up and have nowhere to crash, so I just made the best of it relatively sober. One of my dance floor buddies wanted a ride across the bridge, so I figured I’d hang out since I didn’t have anything better to do. I had a three hour nap that afternoon.

Thursday, now that was fun! I started the evening off at “Help the Healers”, a benefit for Doctors Without Borders at the Blue Macaw, where Tia Carroll sang a Happy Birthday song – the only song I danced to while I was there. There were a bunch of blues dancers there that night, friends of Emily’s (she had also performed). I felt a bit intimidated by them. I’ve never had a boyfriend who knew how to partner dance, and I’ve never had the nerve to learn it on my own. They were really good and having so much fun. I wished I knew how, but did not want to learn on the spot.

Twin Peaks and I left the Blue Macaw to go to the Aries Birthday Bash at this party called Pacific Standard Time located at Eve Lounge. I think I paid for two drink s that night – I probably had six or seven. I lost count. The bouncer at the door of Eve had a face like the guy from Ninja Assassin. He had shoulder-length hair pulled back into a ponytail and was wearing a black suit and black shirt with a red tie. In my head, I was all over that. He gave me a free drink ticket. I asked him if that ticket would get me into the back room where the real excitement was. I did mention that I lost count, right? Anyway, that was probably the most fun I’ve had on a dance floor in YEARS! We even did the electric slide! Yeah, that was a good party. They played hip hop flashbacks and some good dancing R&B tunes. My quads were on fire, but I kept going until I was too tired to move. On the way out, I told that bouncer that he was hot “like the guy in Ninja Assassin but without the scars”. He then showed me a couple of his scars. I told him that it wasn’t the same, but that I’d like to come back and flirt with him another time anyway. He says he’s there every Thursday. Maybe I’ll see him again in a couple of weeks. I haven’t decided if that’s a place I can enjoy by myself. Oh yeah, he also cupped my ass. I hesitated to write that because those guys are not supposed to touch female patrons, but it’s only harassment if it’s unwelcome, right? We don’t want to get a guy fired that we plan on potentially seeing again. Details… When I woke up the next day, it occurred to me that the scars he showed me could be stab wounds, considering their size and location. I also came to the realization that the movie star and the bouncer are not the same person. Therefore, I can’t expect to see a movie-worthy body when that black suit comes off. I don’t think Mr. Hot Asian Bouncer is eating clean and working out 6-8 hours a day. I still think it could warrant further investigation though, and I do have a soft spot for bouncers. I think it’s because they make me feel protected. I always flirt with them. I dated one once. His name was Will. He was another hottie. Years ago I frisked one at this club called Du Soleil. He said that he could lose his job if he touched me while on duty, but he invited me to “check him for weapons”. Yeah, that was a good night too. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

Ugh. My back is covered with hives right now. This is day #3 without my allergy medication. I keep forgetting to take it before I go to bed. I can only take one per day, so it has to be at a time when I know I will be home every day. I’ve also been sneezing a lot.

Hmmm. I wonder what I would look like after eight months of eating clean with 6 hours of cardio and 2 hours of weights, 5 days a week. That’s what the guy Rain did to prepare for that movie. Eight months is a long fucking time to go without chocolate, bacon, sugar, pasta and just about everything else I enjoy eating. No thanks! Hell, if I did have that kind of willpower I could be a damn movie star too! Eight months... Yeah, that’s a long time. He did have a really great body though. It may just be worth it. On the grand scale of things, eight months really isn’t that long, right? Yeah, sure.

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