Sunday, January 29, 2012

Occupy Oakland

I've had my doubts about the Occupy Movement for quite some time now. Yesterday the protesters damaged the YMCA. Really? Are you taking action against one of the few the facilities where lower income senior citizens can afford to use the pool? I can understand why they made a mess of city hall to some degree, but I think we all know that none of this lawless behavior is going to accomplish what we truly desire. You cannot fight fire with fire. The old saying was coined by someone who didn't have the opportunity that we have to affect change. I strongly believe that the best way to battle the powerful forces in this country is to make a statement with how you spend your money. We already know that a Capitalist society gives power to money. If we take our business away from those corporations involved in practices we oppose, they will have no choice but to listen to our demands.

Meanwhile, I know that the unemployed need an outlet, and I'm 100% in support of peaceful protest. For goodness sake, just don't dumb it down! The more violent incidents happen, the more opposition there will be. Eventually the victim will be seen as the criminal.

(photo courtesy of M. Dillon)

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