Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reading for the New World Order

A friend, whom I have known many many years, likes to refer to me as "one of those New World Order people".  It sounds like an elitist group, but that's not what he means.  Anyone who isn't in denial of the state of our world knows that change is happening.  The question is whether or not this change means the evolution of man or its extinction.  I prefer to believe there is still a chance for evolution.

Several months ago, en route to one of my weekend benders in SoCal, I saw a book at the airport bookstore that I wanted to read. I knew that I couldn’t realistically expect to read it during my trip or anytime soon afterwards, so I added it to my “to read” list on my smartphone. Recently, while browsing audiobooks online, I stumbled upon the title again. I still wasn’t ready for it, so I added it to my wish list. Three weeks ago I downloaded it. I listened to it in the car during my commute, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Then again, I suppose I made the decision to start it when I was ready. “Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul” by Deepak Chopra has was an eye-opening and refreshing break from the boring recordings I’ve been listening to about discipline, motivation and organization. It centered me.

What's funny is that I was drawn to this book because of the body image issues.  Listening to it took me out of that frame of mind and into a healthier and more productive one.  This book guides you to look at the bigger picture.  The issue you may have with your body, job, family, relationship or whatever seems to be "holding you back" is the ego trying to disconnect you from the truth.

A person's relationship with their body is a very intimate and revealing one.  It is the best and most honest friend you will ever have.  The body gives cues to let you know when something is out of balance, physically and/or emotionally.  To ignore these cues is to live in a state of denial.  You (the true you) are conscious, independent from the names, titles and labels. It is the consciousness that recognizes the signals your body sends, thoughts in your mind and your ego. Once you are solid in that knowledge, suffering no longer exists.  This brings to mind a common saying from the Baptist and Evangelical religions, "Let go and Let God."  You cannot change the present, so fighting what already exists is just pointless struggle.  To accept what is present, which doesn't mean to condone it but only to acknowlegd that it is here, is the end of suffering. Once you've shed the shallow concerns of ego (vanity, greed, envy and the other "deadly sins", you make room for evolution.  This space is not emptiness; it is purity and potential.  Anything action you take from this place of purity feels right, no matter how challenging it is.  You find that people help you, things fall into place without much effort and your worries lessen.  The real work is keeping yourself in this space.

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