Monday, June 8, 2009


I decided that I’m going to make a real effort to slim down. Since the Thailand trip, it’s only been a maintenance thing. I’ve kept the ten pounds off, and I’m teetering back and forth within a three pound window. I’m eating whatever I want and sweating it off in the gym or dancing. This is a sustainable lifestyle for me. Gradually, over the past few weeks, I’ve been incorporating more weight training. I got a little full of myself last week though. I hit the arms hard on Thursday and couldn’t straighten them all weekend. They’re still sore today. They hurt so bad Friday night that I couldn’t sleep.

I think it’s already making a difference. You know how when you start a new fitness regimen, you see results quickly at first? Well, I think that is what’s happening right now. As for the effect it has had on my social life, I’m not sure yet. I do think that there have been fewer overweight men (and women) hitting on me lately. Most of the people who flirt with me or more are fit and/or thin. It could be that the overweight guys are invisible to me. I have that tendency. I don’t care if that’s shallow. I have no desire to feel somebody’s sweaty folds of flesh on top of me. EW! I just grossed myself out. It’s so much easier for men to lose weight, and I can’t stand a lazy man.

1 comment:

Emily said...

i have a song called ramblings :-)