Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Oprah, girl, I still love you.

Listening to the news this morning, I was trying to figure out a way to help a church whose food and gifts for needy families had all been stolen. I am not a religious person, nor do I have any desire to subscribe to any of these beliefs. I want to help because I am a human being. I recognize the need to help others and receive help from others. I appreciate the strength of community. It makes me feel good to be part of something positive.

When I got into the office, I checked Facebook as I often do. One of my FB friends posted a Christian Oprah-bashing Youtube video, in which Oprah spoke about how Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth affected her so deeply that she had to rethink her spirituality. The multitude of comments that followed were ridiculous. Some even went as far as accusing her of being one of the devil’s minions. I wanted to throw in my two cents and announce that I too am I a progressive thinker and Oprah is a one of the celebrities I most respect. I knew that would only serve to turn the crown against me as an easier and closer target. I opted instead to explain that many people have spiritual transitions. What people say or believe during their transitions is not important; what matters is that people are good and do good. The response to my comment was like “Yeah yeah that’s nice, but she’s gonna burn in Hell for denying Jesus Christ.” No, people, she won’t. Ignorance that is the stifling hell you already live in. If you’re too egotistical to even take the time to learn about other religions and spiritual practices, then you’re already damning yourself. Furthermore, everyone on the comment thread is Black! We already have so many social issues to face as a race, and here we are putting more separation between ourselves. AND for what?!?!?!? The bible has been written and rewritten by men who sought to control the masses, and it continues to be interpreted in a multitude of ways by men who still seek to gain power. Yet some hold those rules above logic and above our ability to innately determine what is right based on our values. It’s embarrassing!

This also brings me back to the concept of dream-killers. People are so envious of success. Wealthy people face the same spiritual and relationship challenges as poor people. Why is it so hard to believe that a woman as successful and respected as Oprah could say (and mean) something controversial? She, too, is just learning her way like the rest of us. I have a feeling that many of her harshest critics aren’t even pursuing the path to enlightenment in any manner (traditional or progressive). Why is it so easy to judge other people and so difficult to see ourselves as we truly are?

It pisses me off that there are so many people who are just looking and waiting for the opportunity to say something negative about other people. I don’t want to be associated with any of them. Life has enough challenges.

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