Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tiny puppies and big bikes

Last night was my first day FINALLY back in night classes. I'm in the Harley program now because it's now the only one offered at night. I am supposed to take BMW and Suzuki, but we'll see if that is still possible after these thirty weeks of Harley. I'm intimidated by Harleys because of their weight. I've never ridden one for any significant distance. I'll get over that once I know them better.

Yesterday was a really slow day for rideshare. It may have been due to the holiday. It was disappointing. I'm getting an earlier start today. There was one woman whose mother traveled with her to help with the baby. The mother had a chihuahua in a carrier. He was very cute. I cooed at him when she let him out after I dropped them off, and she gestured for me to come look into her carrier bag. There was a tiny ball of tan fuzz inside. She was the most adorable little thing! I held her against my chest and she yawned and cracked her tiny eyes open.

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