Sunday, November 23, 2008


Ok, something weird just happened. After taking a detour away from the regular route, which has the street blocked off, our bus was boarded by some guys wearing helmets and bandannas over their faces. When they started to argue with the driver and fare collectors, passengers began to make a hasty exit. This is where me being black and from the ghetto really kicked in. I had my pack on and was off that bus before I could take my next breath.

The guys on the bus were being trailed by an ambulance. Since I can't understand Thai and no one on the bus with me spoke English (or maybe they did but didn't want to say anything to me), I still have no idea what the hell was going on. There were a couple guys dressed in military uniforms talking to a few passengers across the street, and others took out their cell phones to call and tell someone they would be running late or whatever. I waited until long after the incident to take out my phone, hoping I could try and make some sense of it first.

As we passed more barricaded streets, police presence multiplied. In an area I walked through yesterday, which had also been another surreal experience, it was heavy with uniforms and cops whistling for passers-by to stop looking and keep driving. Yesterday, I somehow gained access to a tent city outside a hotel surrounded by wrought iron security gates. In the parking lot were two Bentleys, an exotic sports car that appeared to be from the 1970's and a handful of benzes.

The tent city people were lying together in large groups under canopies and looked as though they were doing nothing. The strange part is that the area was fenced off, but they still allowed me to walk through. No one could speak English to tell me why I shouldn't...and I did ask. I'm thinking it was some sort of peaceful protest. There is a civil disturbance here between supporters of the king and those who believe he is too corrupt to be in power. It's always the same issue no matter where you are.

Well, I'm on my way to the airport to wait out the few hours I have left in Thailand in the nice air-conditioned terminals. I'm waiting at Hua Lamphong (again) for the train to the shuttle stop. It has been a good trip and I hope to return soon, but I think the signs are all pointing towards home now. See y'all in a blink.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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